Wednesday, September 28, 2011

home sweet home.

We are closing in a week!  Can't wait to get in and start painting.  We hope to have a lot of "before and after" pictures coming soon :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

best buds.

Hazel is really starting to enjoy spending time with Buster.  She reaches out for him all the time, almost like she wants a hug.  But Buster wants nothing but kisses!


tubby time.

Daddy gave Hazel a tubby tonight and she loved it!  

Sunday, September 25, 2011


What a fun Saturday we had visiting Auntie Cristina!  We had a wonderful lunch and then spent some time at IKEA grabbing things for the new house!  We love you Auntie Cristina...thanks for spending the day with us!

Checking out Daddy's lunch!
Silly Mommy - she should have brought some carrots for me!

Hazel enjoying IKEA.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hazel is six months old today!  Below are some photos from her six month photo shoot!  Lucky little lady got to wake up to Mommy and Daddy singing Happy Birthday to her.  Ha.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

cheese head.

Last Sunday Hazel had fun watching football with Daddy.  Thanks Uncle Nate for the onesie and cheese head! 

 Go Packers!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am addicted to taking pictures of this sweet little face!

And here is a word from our sponsor...

Hazel had a very talkative day yesterday!  She was just bursting with things to say.  As I post this, she is playing in her jumperoo (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Gardner) and just talking away.  We may have a chatterbug on our hands!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

loving carrots.

Hazel tried carrots tonight and it was love at first bite!  She ate them all up and then was pretty upset when the carrots were all gone!  I guess the market today inspired us to introduce a veggie...




morning at the market.

We spent the morning at the farmers market and we couldn't believe what September at the market had to offer.  We came home with lots of veggies!  Spaghetti squash and salsa verde are two new ones we plan to make this week!

Bundled up for the chilly morning!
(Thanks Mimi for the cute threads) 

Can't wait to get these for the new house!

OH MY!  Daddy is going to eat veggies this week!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Hazel is full of the cutest giggles these days.  The newest member of the family to get her to laugh is the one and only...

Check out this video...

favorite things.

Two of my favorites...

We love seeing Daddy during the work day!


Hazel had her first taste of solids this week and boy was it fun!  She did great, but I am still convinced she had more fun playing with the spoon then the actual food on the spoon.  Up next on the menu...carrots!

Testing out the new highchair!

First taste of solids!

Loving her new "toy"!

i heart ny.

Another wonderful adventure we had in August was our trip to New York!  We had so much fun visiting friends and family!  We also got to celebrate our soon to be, niece!  What a wonderful shower Mimi put together for Auntie Michelle!

Grandpa gets the BEST giggles out of Hazel!

Hazel LOVES Tucker.

Hanging on Mimi and Grandpa's couch!

Loving Mimi during our "photoshoot"  Mimi got the best outfit for Hazel!  
Pictures from the "photoshoot" coming soon!

Auntie Michelle looking beautiful for her shower!


Since we have been so behind with our blog, I thought I would play catch up and post some pictures from our many adventures in August!  We started the month with an amazing weekend away with the Gardners!  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a wonderful trip to Mackinac Island.  We had so much fun and we loved spending the weekend together.

The "Wisconsin" Gardners

Cutie Cousins!

Watching the horses with Papa!

Mackinac Fudge!

Our beautiful hotel!

At the fort playing look out with Grandma!

Marching with Papa!

Daddy's favorite...Pop with a straw!