Sunday, July 13, 2014

10 months.

Guest post from Daddy:  Lola turned 10 months last week.  She is busier than ever - she crawls around so fast (her "army" crawl) and grabs anything and everything she can get her cute little hands on.  She is such a good little girl, full of smiles, curiosity, and belly laughs.  She thinks her big sis is pretty funny lately, though big sis doesn't always find Lola funny, such as when Lola gets her hands on baby doll.  She is starting to interact with us more and more.  She "barks" at Buster, gives slobbery kisses to Mommy and Daddy, and learned to clap last week while watching the Cherry Festival parade in Traverse City.

Lola likes:
Jibber-jabbering (yep, we have another talker on our hands)
Holding cell phones
Watching Hazel stomp around
Splish splashing in the tub
Swing sets
Buster (watch out, Buster!)
Pulling up
"Squeaking" (our polite reference to her screeching)
When Mommy and Daddy open the car door to get her out of her car seat (she gets really excited)

Lola dislikes:
Getting dressed
Getting her diaper changed
When Hazel takes away her toys
Getting too hungry
(Mommy and Daddy struggled to come up with even that list - Lola is a good baby!)


